Every Custom Playing Cards order has over-runs or playing cards that do not pass in TMCARDSQ C (Quality Control Manufacturing Processes).These lots of playing cards are kept aside and offered to collectors and wholesalers of playing cards in Bulk. TMCARDS offers these over-runs or minor defect playing cards Ninety Days or more after the order has been processed for the client. If the client does not wish the over-runs to be distributed freely. TMCARDS offers the Clients the first shot at acquiring the over-runs. If as a collector of personalized playing cards you are interested do get in touch with us at collector@tmcards.com
A fast track way to headline your product, service and message are our TMCARDS customized playing cards that can include all of the above three features on each of our 54 playing cards. On both front and back faces.
We have been in the thick of printing Custom Playing Cards since 1969. Innumerable companies and individuals have reaped the dividends of this pattern of projecting their activities. Just position the visual or photo and product feature in artwork form, denote colors and we are all to print and roll.
We accept order of upto 5 million card decks. It would be deemed prudent that you have a stockpile ready to be gifted over to whosoever at any given time.